Marvel Crisis Protocol League – Game #3

With two wins under my belt I was feeling pretty darn cocky. I was a little worried since my opponent has Corvus Glaive + Reality Gem & Proxima Midnight who sound super scary. My opponent Von streamed the game if you prefer to watch. Preparation I won priorityI...

Marvel Crisis Protocol League – Game #3

With two wins under my belt I was feeling pretty darn cocky. I was a little worried since my opponent has Corvus Glaive + Reality Gem & Proxima Midnight who sound super scary. My opponent Von streamed the game if you prefer to watch. Preparation I won priorityI...

Marvel Crisis Protocol League – Game #2

After my win in game 1 of the Marvel Crisis Protocol league (which was shocking to me) I was pretty jazzed for game 2. Maybe I can even win again! So I setup the map ahead of time and started preparing. Setup I was hoping to play Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians which...

Marvel Crisis Protocol League

Just a couple weeks ago I played my first game of Marvel Crisis Protocol. And it was great. But I didn’t play the game just to play the game. I actually played to prepare for a league – yes I joined an online league to play a game with strangers online. So...