Riptide WIP

Click to enlarge Here's the Riptide! Not nearly done yet, but (mostly) assembled. The weapon/upgrade hardpoints on the wrists and tops of the jet packs are magnetized, as is the main gun. Click to enlarge And if you look very closely at the little smoke stack to the...

Riptide Base

I'm building and painting a Tau Riptide Battlesuit for a friend of mine, because it's a totally awesome looking model.  Here's the base: Click to enlarge I glued the plastic in place, then built up the base with cork from a pin-board sheet.  After that, I mixed fine...


I started painting terrain for my FLGS so that we can have good looking battles.  I've got one table's worth done so far.  Nothing fancy, just highlighted grey on the top and mud brown on the bottom.  I used Liquid Nails mixed with fine gravel for the basing, which...

Death Watch Kill-team Blood Angels Sternguard

After building my Salamanders Sternguard vet for the Badab Death Watch contest, I decided that I needed to have an entire kill-team.  It also helps that my FLGS is running a regular kill-team event. I've got two other built, one more halfway done, and bits for a few...

Pedro Kantor kitbash from the 25th Anniversary model

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge I've had this model since the day it came out.  Before I settled on Eldar (in fact, right up until I pressed the 'order' button), I was seriously considering reviving my Crimson Fists army.  I was going to go with all early-Mark...