More Silver Tower Progress

Lets start off with a shot of the shelf that's slowly getting filled up.  As you can see, the hero side doesn't have any of the proper box guys, just the mighty hero expansion and some other singles from my fantasy collection.  The monsters are slowly filling...

Silver Tower Tazaagors finished

I had a chance to finish off the Tazaagors over the weekend.  I basically followed the paint splatter guide, with the exception of the gold. For that I used the Vallejo liquid gold (alcohol based paint).  It comes our really shiny, almost a gold leaf look.  I may give...

Silver Tower Painting progress

I'm working my way through the villains in the Silver Tower box... trying to keep things efficient and simple, so I'm priming in base colours and not going over the top with layers. Read more »

Silver Tower Mighty Heroes progress

Here's some progress shots of my first batch of Silver Tower guys.  I don't actually have the main box yet, so I've started working on some of the expansion heros.  These guys are almost done, with some more almost than others.  Not pictured is the khorne...

Deathwatch Overkill final WIP post

This should be the last progress shot of these guys.  I think I've finished all of the bits on theses guys, just have to do some edge highlights on the black and apply the gloss washes.  After that I'll do some final touch-ups on the whole set before taking...