Deathwatch Overkill: finished Cassius and Delassio

I made a bit of progress on the space marine side of the Deathwatch box.  I painted up Cassius and Delassio as a sort of test of my methods that I plan to use for the whole team.  I'm quite happy with the result and enjoyed painting two guys instead of 10-20...

Genestealer Cult update and notes about Orange

The cult is almost done now.  I'm cutting them off once I finish up the last layer of Orange.  I could keep going, but the point is to be efficient, and adding teeth, eyes, etc at this point kind of defeats the point.There were a few comments about the...

Genestealer Cult progress

I've been working on the primus and magus from the Genestealer cult half of the death watch box.  These guys are pretty sweet models and with my simple paint scheme they paint up pretty fast.  I tried out the new gloss wash (nuln oil) of the grey bits and am...

Ultramarine Commander almost done

I started working on this guy when I was doing the Ultramarine half of the Calth box set.  The blue was airbrushed and all the base colours done, so it was just a matter of finishing him off.  He's almost there now... just need to add some text to the banner...

Deathwatch Genestealer Cult progress

I've bee slowly working on the genestealer cult from the deathwatch box.  My goal is to have a simple paint scheme, but my lack of free time has made this a longer than hoped progress.  The purestrains, primarch and familiars are basically done now, and the...