Hersey Marines

I've started assembling the first squad of marines from the Betrayal at Calth box.  So far its your typical marine assembly.  I was getting flash backs to my early years with the original plastic marines when assembling the rocket launcher.  Its...

Contemptor Re-pose

At the suggestion of MiniWarBlog in my comments I reposed the contemptor's torso and assault cannon.  To get a minimal cut I used a sharp exacto knife rather than the razor saw.  The saw would have cut out about 1mm out, and I didn't want to build a spacer....

Betrayal at Calth Comptemptor Assembly

Hobbits are done, and now on to my next project, the Horus Heresy, Betrayal at Calth.  I decided to start by assembling the Contemptor and I think I'll try to do all of the Word Bearers first before moving onto the Ultra marines.  I'm hoping to airbrush...

Last Hobbit dwarfs done

I've got the last dwarfs done as well as Bilbo for my Smaug model.  All that's left to call my hobbit box done is the one goblin scribe.  For some reason I didn't do him with the rest of the goblins.  He's been base coated and washed, so its just some...

Its been a while, but I’m back

After a long hiatus I'm back.  The summer and fall have been pretty busy, so the hobby has taken a back seat.  I was evicted from my hobby room, but I'm setting up show in my basement and rethinking my hobby objectives. Here's part of my new desk:Read more...