Age of Sigmar Assembly

Here's a few more pictures of Lord-Celestantas assembled.   I'm slowly working my way through assembling the guys and trying to make sure I get all of the mold lines and fit things nicely.  These guys are impressive, and I can't wait to start painting them....

Bloodstoker and Khorgorath Assembly and size comparison

Here's a video showing the Khorgorath and Bloodstoker assembly.  They are pretty straightforward, and have minimal cleanup needed to make them work.  The Khorgorath has a couple joints that should be filled before painting, but otherwise its easy to assemble....

Age of Sigmar Unboxing and initial thoughts

Here's my unboxing video showing the contents of the Age of Sigmar Warhammer starter set.  Probably not much new in there, so I'll add some thoughts and opinions below.First off, its a nicely packaged starter.  Much more of a starter than previous GW...

Liberators NMM test model WIP 2

Here's a look after another night of painting this guy.  Basically I've added edge highlights with Zamesi Desert on the gold and Administratum grey on the silver parts that were airbrushed.  The other details I'm adding are blue (Kantor, Alaitoc, Hoeth),...