4 Assassins finished

I just finished up the Callidus Assassin, and will be posting pics and a tutorial shortly, but I wanted to show off a couple pictures of all four together. I`m happy to have these guys done and would love to finish off the other guys from the box as soon as possible....

Culexus Assassin Tutorial Video posted

Following on the pictures is the video tutorial for the Culexus Assassin.  This guy painted up fairly quickly as I did a lot of the base coating at the same time as the other ones, and of course things go faster once you've done it a couple times.  If you're...

Culexus Assasin pics

Here's couple pics of the Culexus Assassin that I just finished painting.  The tutorial will be up soon, I just need to record the audio to go along with it.  All of the colours are basically the same as the other ones I've done, except the brass colour on the...

Eversor Assassin completed and tutorial

Here's the second Assassin I've completed from the Assassinorum boxed set.  This one might be my favourite, mostly because of the dynamic pose.  I think 32mm bases are great for this type of model, even though the 25mm standard one probably makes more sense...

Vindicare Assassin Painting tutorial

I painted this guy up as the first trial from the Assassins box set.  He's a great model, as was seen in the assembly video, and surprisingly simple to paint.  I followed the painting guide that came in the White Dwarf that the box was announced.  Interestingly...