Assassins pictures

I'm working on painting the Vindicare assassin, and he's coming along quite well.  No pics to share of the progress yet, but I've got the base coats and shades all done.Here are some pictures of the assembled models before base coating them.  I included...

Assassins Assembly video

Here's a video showing how these guys assemble.  The detail on the mini's is amazing, but that's to be expected these days.  The mold lines are very minimal, so just a little scraping is necessary.  I can't wait to get started on painting these guys.For...

Unboxing Assassinorum Execution Force

So I when I saw this I was sold... then I heard about the Knight release and couldn't decide... well, in the end I picked this up, so here's the unboxing.  I love GW's new plastic characters, so with 4 in the box this makes sense to me.The details are...

How to paint Iyaden

Another one from the archives, but not so long ago.  How to paint an eldar guardian in Iyaden craft world colours.  You can check out the original post here:'m...

How to paint Eldar of Craftworld Telennar

Here's a painting tutorial for the Eldar Farseer I picked up while in London.  I painted him in the Craftworld Telennar colours, which is the orange and grey ones featured in White Dwarf recently.  I've found this quite a cool paint scheme, and wanted to give...