Harlequin Completed tutorial

Ok, it took me a little while to get this video compiled, but here you go.  In the video I show all the steps I took and give some suggestions about ways to do them a little differently.  Whenever you try out something you usually realize during the process...

Harlequins Finished

Had a bit of time last night to finish these guys and gals.  All that was left were some final highlights, so it went pretty quickly.  Overall all I like the look, but might have preferred some brighter colours to make them stand out more in my Dark Eldar army....

Old Blood Thurster and daemons

Lets take a moment and be thankful for our new plastic Crack.  Here's a couple pictures of some old metal daemons of chaos.  I painted these up some time in the 90's.  Yep, that's a 40mm square base on the Blood Thurster.Remember trying to glue metal?  Man...

Harlequin Progress

These guys are coming along nicely.  I'm actually surprised that after two nights of painting I feel like I have solid progress.  I was worried about the diamond patterns, but I think they turned out really well, so I thought I'd share.  I'm using the same...

The Sanguinar Showcase

Here's a showcase of a model I painted a few years back.  This was one of my first major NMM attempts, and probably one of the best. Partly because I had some good reference photos and was willing to spend time working on him.Here's the post for the...