Smaug Airbrushing WIP 3

I was able to get a bit more progress on Smaug last night.  I added some lighter tones to the wings and re-shaded some of the scales.  For the scales I'm airbrushing them black and then will edge highlight them by hand. Any thoughts on the colour for the wings?...

Skaven Hellpit Abomination Showcase

One of my goals for 2015 is to make more use out of the older stuff I've painted, so an easy way to do that is showcase videos of past projects.  Here's the Hellpit Abomination I painted a few years back.  The painting video post is...

Cobra Themed Imperial Guard

Check this out... it can be yours for $500 CDN.  Someone nearby has posted this amazing Cobra Themed Imperial Guard army.  Its got Crimson Guard squads (Cadians) lead by Tomax and Xamot, A POGO pod (Sentinal), Major BLUDD, Destro and more.  Pretty amazing.  Must...

Smaug airbrushing WIP 2

I was able to get a bit more airbrushing done on Smaug.  I'm trying to build up the colours and highlights, but with such a huge model it takes a while.  The wings especially seem to suck in the paint with little to show for it. Its tricky trying to get the right...

Skaven Vermin Lord (Forgeworld version) WIP

I'm enjoying the Minitaire paints.  In fact, I took a break from Smaug to paint up the Forgeworld (Warhammer Forge) Skaven Exhaulted Vermin Lord that's been sitting on my to-do shelf for quite a while.  This is why I haven't picked up the new plastic kit,...