Smaug assembly video

Here's a video showing some of the steps and tips for assembling the Smaug model.  Its basically a large forgeworld dragon with all the problems associated with that.  The fit is generally good, but because I need to leave the wings off for painting I needed...

Smaug Assembly WIP 2

Here's some more pictures of Smaug showing his size... this model is huge.  I'm still working on getting the wings to fit on perfectly and add magnets so I can paint it easily.  Once I'm done them then I can add the last spikes and start painting.In other...

Smaug assembly WIP

Here's some pictures of Smaug as I assemble him.  Overall its a fairly straightforward assembly... probably a standard forgeworld type model with some fitting and trimming necessary.  The mold lines are mostly good, with just a few areas that need touching up....

Smaug Unboxing (pics and video)

I picked up my Smaug at the local GW today (along with the new White Dwarf) and here's the unboxing. I'm going to continue with an assembly walk through and painting video as well... hopefully I'll have enough time over the Christmas holidays.Anyway, first...

Smaug sculpted by Michael Perry, comments…

Saw this pop up on my facebook feed.  It looks like Michael Perry digitally sculpted Smaug before they left earlier this year.  Does this mean its the last model in the Hobbit lineup?  I wonder if the comment about plastic is a sign of internal...