How to Paint a Broodlord

How to Paint a Broodlord

Here's a quick tutorial showing a nice paint scheme for the Broodlord in Space Hulk.  Since the Tyranid and Blood Angels box is coming out I thought this would be a timely tutorial.  This guy painted up really fast, partly because I had already basecoated and...
How to Paint the Stormwolf

How to Paint the Stormwolf

Here's the finished Stormwolf... finally.  I started this guy back in the summer, and just haven't had time to get back to my painting table.  For a large vehicle like this I like to use an airbrush, but for that to happen I need a chunk of time all at once,...
WIP Stormwolf and Ork warbosses

WIP Stormwolf and Ork warbosses

Here's a couple pics of things on my desk right now.  I haven't had much time lately to paint, so these have been moving slowly.The Stormwolf was airbrushed, then the rest of the base colours added before a coat of acrylic gloss (Future floor polish) and then...
Armies on Parade – Silver for my Orks!

Armies on Parade – Silver for my Orks!

I managed to jump over to my local Games Workshop with a pile of Orks on Saturday for the armies on parade competition.  Even better, I managed to pull of a Silver medal!  I was beaten by an impressive dwarf army that had an amazing display board.  I just crammed as...
Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors

Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors

Its been a while since I've posted anything, so here's an older tutorial for my Dark Eldar Kabalite warriors.  I've got a bunch of Dark Eldar that need to be painted, and I'd like to catch up on them when I get a chance.  In the mean time, here's a...