Warhammer Visions Issue 6

I haven`t been paying much attention to Warhammer Visions, but with the new Ork Codex this looks like its going to be the issue to pick up.  In the video below I flip through the whole issue and give some first impressions.  Basically, there are lots of cool...

Ork Meganobz Unboxing

I`m excited to get these guys assembled and painted up.  I love the extra options... although I`m not sure how I feel about the kill saws.  We`ll have to see if those make sense, maybe in larger mobs a couple of them will be good to pop vehicles.The Big mek...
Finished Ork Painboy (+ tutorial and guide)

Finished Ork Painboy (+ tutorial and guide)

Fresh off the painting table, here's the new Ork Painboy.  He's painted up very similar to the White Dwarf version, with different coloured pants and some checkered bits.  He's a fun model to paint, although I'm not sure I'd want too many of the...
Painboys side by side

Painboys side by side

I've just finished taking pictures of the new Painboy for the painting tutorial, and I thought I'd grab a couple of the older Painboy models off my shelf to compare.  Obviously the claw hand is huge, but the rest of him is a little more heroic scale than the...
Shokk Attack Gun Done (and tutorial)

Shokk Attack Gun Done (and tutorial)

Here's the Shokk attack gun all finished and looking fancy.  I focused on painting this guy rather than trying to do the guns conversion tutorial I have planned.  Since he's so similar to the old model there weren't any surprises, but warp energy around...