Shokk attack Gun Side by Side

Shokk attack Gun Side by Side

I was curious to see how closely the new plastic Shokk Attack Gun matched the old one.  Mine's metal, but its most recently been finecast.Anyway, they are very close in size, so using both of them together would be find, unlike some other kits GW has replaced with...
Unboxing New Ork Mek Gun and Shokk Attack Gun

Unboxing New Ork Mek Gun and Shokk Attack Gun

Here's a couple more unboxing videos for the latest Ork releases.  The Shokk attach gun is particularly interesting because it shows how GW plans on replacing even more finecast stuff with plastic sprues.  The size of this sprue is bigger than the ones that...
Looted Wagon Tutorial

Looted Wagon Tutorial

With all the talk about Looted Wagons being in/out of the new codex here's some pics of one that I started a while back.  There's even a tutorial that I put up on Youtube explaining what I did.  Its basically just a Leman Russ with the battle wagon turret and...
Gorkanaut Finished and Tutorial

Gorkanaut Finished and Tutorial

Here's some pictures of my finished Gorkanaut, painting video and guide below.  One of the keys with this guy was trying to get him done within the week so I could start on the Flash Gitz right away.  With the Ork release being stretched out and with so many kits...
Flash Gitz Unboxing

Flash Gitz Unboxing

Picked up a couple boxes of Flash gits today along with a box of nobs to try out the interchangeability of the kits.  That will come when I do an assembly video, but for now here's the unboxing. I did some Freebootaz a while back using pirate heads from ebay and...