Ultramarine Chaplain FInished and Tutorial

Ultramarine Chaplain FInished and Tutorial

Here's another of the new plastic characters from the Space Marine release.  This guy has fantastic detail, and I enjoyed painting him as much as all the other plastic characters that have been released.  I used the same basic scheme for black armour that I...
Imperial Knight Assembly Video

Imperial Knight Assembly Video

Wow... that took much longer than I expected.  I embarked on an assembly and magnetization tutorial, and ended up with a video almost an hour long.  It turns out there isn't much magnetization needed on this.  There are some shared parts for the gun, and you can...
Imperial Knight Unboxing

Imperial Knight Unboxing

I've just picked up one of the new Imperial Knights, and its impressive.  I've got an unboxing video below and I have some thoughts about ridges on GW kits below.  I'll be doing an assembly and magnetization video shortly and will follow up with a painting...
Dwarf Dragon Slayer (Finished and Painting Guide)

Dwarf Dragon Slayer (Finished and Painting Guide)

Here's the finished Dragon Slayer that I showed the other day.  I said it before, but it bears repeating; this is an amazing model.  Stunning pose and detail, and because its plastic I'm not concerned about it breaking or bending. I used a fairly standard...
Dwarf Dragon Slayer Unboxing and Assembly

Dwarf Dragon Slayer Unboxing and Assembly

Here's the new Dragon Slayer plastic character.  These single pose plastic characters are stunning, and the dynamic pose on this guy really takes the cake.  I'll be painting him up as soon as I get a chance and posting a video, but that may take a week or...