Dwarf Warrior Painting Guide

Dwarf Warrior Painting Guide

Here's my latest painting guide for a basic Dwarf Warrior.  This one is from the Battle for Skull Pass set, so he's a one piece model with a little less detail.  I did him up in a way that would be easy to do a ton of rank and file troops so you can get your...
Dark Eldar Scourges (Finished and Painting guide)

Dark Eldar Scourges (Finished and Painting guide)

Its been a while since my last Dark Eldar painting tutorial, so I thought I'd do the Scourges I've had waiting.  I painted a whole ton of dark eldar base colours with my airbrush a while back, so I kind of skip that step in this tutorial.  I basically took the...
Skaven Grey Seer Conversion

Skaven Grey Seer Conversion

Here's a quick tutorial showing how I mounted the extra Grey Seer from my Plague Furnace on a 20mm base.  I used a piece of cork to get the right angle and replaced the screaming bell handle with a knife from one of the extra clan rat arms I had laying around.Read...
Space Marine Librarian Painting Guide (plus painting video)

Space Marine Librarian Painting Guide (plus painting video)

Here's that new Plastic Librarian single sprue kit that GW released with the codex a little while ago.  Its an amazing kit, and the detail is steller.  I used the same general paint scheme, but picked a different blue for the armour to make him a little different...
Forgeworld Goblin Shaman WIP

Forgeworld Goblin Shaman WIP

Here's a couple pictures of a Goblin Shaman I'm working on.  He's from the command set by Warhammer Forge.  Really cool model that I want to add to my collection... I'll have to do the BSB soon as well.