Ultramarine Stormtalon Gunships Finished (plus tutorial)

Ultramarine Stormtalon Gunships Finished (plus tutorial)

Here's a pair of Stormtalon gunships that I painted up over the holidays.  I airbrushed the base colours and finished off with some weathering powders.  Cool looking kits, and I think they will work well in pairs.  As usual, the paint guide is at the bottom below...
Goblin Shaman Finished (+Tutorial)

Goblin Shaman Finished (+Tutorial)

Here's that goblin shaman that I'm sure every Orc and Goblin player will pick up at some point.  He's a neat model, and fairly simple to paint, but I added some extra colour to make him stand out.  As usual, the painting guide is at the bottom of this...
Wall of Martyrs Unboxing and assembly

Wall of Martyrs Unboxing and assembly

Well, these have been sitting in my to-do pile for quite some time, but with the new Stronghold Assault book I thought I should get in gear.  Now that there are rules I can see these getting a lot more use.Anyway, below are three videos, one for each of the core Wall...
Ultramarine Centurions Complete (plus video tutorial)

Ultramarine Centurions Complete (plus video tutorial)

Another Ultramarine project finished, and this time its the new Centurion models.  I'm going to say that I'm not overly impressed with these models, and they are pretty much single pose.  Kind of disappointing, but I guess that's what has to happen when...
How to Paint NMM Gold

How to Paint NMM Gold

Here's a tutorial showing (at 2x speed) exactly how I painted the non-metallic metal on the Phoenix Guard I just did.  There were a bunch of requests on youtube for a tutorial like this where I film the whole process.  I've mentioned before that I use Reaper...