Ultramarines Terminators WIP

Ultramarines Terminators WIP

For the next unit in my Ultramarines army I have decided to go with some Terminators.  These guys are mostly Assault on Black Reach, but I've added a chain fist as well as an assault cannon to beef them up a little.  I've got a landraider in my assembled pile,...
Ultramarines Commander Finished and Tutorial

Ultramarines Commander Finished and Tutorial

Another addition to my growing Ultramarines force, this time the commander from the Assault on Black Reach box.  With the cape on this guy he painted up quite fast.  I was also pretty happy with how the banner turned out.  I've seen so many of these guys unpainted...
Forgeworld Mega dread WIP 2

Forgeworld Mega dread WIP 2

Here's some more pictures of that Forgeworld Mega Dread I've been working on.  I'm trying to get a good technique for doing the large areas fast, but also to look good.  I've got some weathering powders, so they should help once all the painting is...
Ork Forgeworld Mega dread WIP

Ork Forgeworld Mega dread WIP

Another project that's on the go. I've got a tutorial coming for the Space Marine commander from Assault on Black Reach, but while I'm waiting for it to render I've worked on this guy a bit.  I have magnetized the arms, but the magnets were a bit...
Buzzgob Finished and Tutorial

Buzzgob Finished and Tutorial

Here's that forgeworld mek boss that I have been working on.  I've posted the tutorial video and still images below.  Its been a while since I've done any 40k orks, so this was a nice change from all the space marines and other stuff I've been working...