GW Gives away free Codex books… in Japan

GW Gives away free Codex books… in Japan

Just came across this news story... apparently GW is actually giving things away to gain market share.  In Japan pdf's of the Codex books can be downloaded for free (some, mostly fantasy).  I don't know how long this practice has been going on, but hopefully...
Skycutter WIP (Almost done)

Skycutter WIP (Almost done)

Well, I finally found the will to finish this guy off.  Thankfully once I had the base colours done it went pretty quick.  The eagle was basically done a while ago, so it was just the flying boat and crew that needed the most attention.  In exploring some other blogs...
Skycutter WIP

Skycutter WIP

This guy has been taking up room on my painting desk, and I'd really like to finish it off. I think the hard work has been completed (the eagle and base) so it shouldn't take too much work to finish off. I've decided to go with the bolt thrower, so I'm...
Ultramarines Tactical Squad Finished

Ultramarines Tactical Squad Finished

Alright, the first (of many) Ultramarines guys that I've got to paint up to make an army.  These guys will form the backbone of my army, so I'll have to paint up a bunch more of them.  I'm using the normal GW colours for these guys, and I'm sure...
Ogre Gorger Finished

Ogre Gorger Finished

Here's that Gorger I was working on, all done.  I have posted a painting tutorial video and the still images (along with the paints) are at the bottom of this post.  I'm happy with how the flesh turned out, but I'm probably going to do something different...