by Paul Graham | Sep 28, 2013
Here's the first tactical squad for my upcoming Ultramarines Army. These guys are from the Assault on Black Reach set, and have been sitting in my to-do box for a long time. I think I'll paint up the whole set in Ultramarines colours, so the Terminators will...
by Paul Graham | Sep 24, 2013
Here's another model that I threw into the batch of Ogres I'm working on, the Gorger. I have two of these actually, but am only painting one. I decided on a dark skin colour and went with the same bright orange/red hair colour as the rest of my army. I...
by Paul Graham | Sep 21, 2013
Turns out I painted this up a long time ago and never made a tutorial to go along with it. So, here's the explanation about how I went about painting it along with some pictures of the finished product. Paints used are just after the video.Read more »
by Paul Graham | Sep 19, 2013
After a long summer off and some space marines to kick things started for the fall I'm working on some Ogres I've had in my to-do pile for a while. I really like the ogre models, and this batch will really help fill in some of my ranks. I think its 10 bulls...
by Paul Graham | Sep 18, 2013
Here's another tutorial where I show how to paint one of the big chapters of Space Marines. I've always liked the idea of yellow marines, but don't have the guts to take on an army of these guys. I think they would take too long to get to a level I was...