How to paint White Scar Space Marines

How to paint White Scar Space Marines

Here's another tutorial for the Space Marine codex, the White Scars.  Again, this is meant to a quick and dirty method to paint up troops quickly.  The white is a little slow since you need to get a good even coat.  I did decals on this one and show how to use...
How to paint Ogre Leadbelchers

How to paint Ogre Leadbelchers

I painted these guys up way back in the spring, but for some reason forgot to put together a video.  So here it is, along with the usual commentary.  I painted these guys at the same time as the Ironblaster, so the paints used and commentary will be very similar....
How to Paint Ultramarines

How to Paint Ultramarines

Ok, here's a quick tutorial for a basic Ultramarine.  Nothing too fancy, but will get them on the table top quickly.  I've got a bunch of other marines lined up, including the other 5 main codex chapters.  So, depending on the feedback I'll either do the...
How to paint Lizardmen Saurus

How to paint Lizardmen Saurus

Its been a while, but I'm back with another tutorial.  Lots of stuff in the pipeline, but for now a Lizardmen Saurus tutorial.  The paints used are as follows, or you can use the GW suggested ones in the image below.Paints used:Skin - Stegadon Scale Green, Sotek...

How to Paint Iyanden Craftworld Eldar

Here's the second painting tutorial for Eldar.  This guy is done in the yellow Iyanden scheme, so lots of yellow.  You could also start with a white base and shade to get the yellow, but I chose to go the other way.Read more »