Tau Firewarrior Tutorial

Here's a tutorial that I made for standard Tau Firewarrior where I show the complete process and explain the steps.  The video is at 4x speed and there is a list of the paints I used below.  I have a Kroot warrior to paint up as well, so that should be coming...

High Elf Mage Tutorial

This one is actually an old tutorial that I've remastered and listed the equivalent paints in the new GW range.  The old version was done when I first started doing tutorials, so its not in HD and the audio is terrible.  It is still one of my hightest viewed...

Deathwing Knights WIP2

Here are some more pictures of those Deathwing Knights I've been working on.  The pace is picking up now that I'm past the base colours.  I have found these guys easier/faster than the regular Deathwing Terminators since there's less bare armour showing......

Hobbit Dwalin

Here's another painting tutorial for one of the Hobbit dwarves from Escape from Goblin Town.  Again, following the painting tutorial over at tale of painters.Read more »

Deathwing Knights WIP

Here are some work in progress pics of the Deathwing Knights I converted back in this post.  I base coated them with my airbrush to skip a step or two, but otherwise they are using the same steps as the Deathwing Terminators from the Dark Vengeance box.Read more »