Bombur the Dwarf (tutorial and pics)

Another guy from the hobbit box set.  I took a break to do some Ogres and now I want to finish these guys off.  I've really sped up the process and can get a guy done in about an hour.  Most of the slow down had to do with filming, but I've improved some of...

Ogre Ironblaster (tutorial plus pics)

I've had this guy in my to-do pile for far too long.  I didn't get around to painting it for one reason or another, but I did this guy along with 8 leadbelchers (coming later).  I went back to using my reaper paints since that's what I've been using...

Battlescape tutorial + pics

Here's the 40k battlescape piece of scenery.  I remember seeing this at gamesday 2009 in Toronto before it was released... it was sort of an easter egg in a display case since it hadn't been released.Anyway, here it is... basically the same paint job as the...

Ogre WIP (Ironblaster and Leadbelchers)

I've been working on these guys for the last week or so... I haven't been taking as many pictures since I'm trying to do a video tutorial.  We'll see how it turns out, but I'm basically filming a minute worth of each stage and will compile it...

Radagast finished (+ tutorial)

Here's the next guy I painted up from the hobbit set.  I tried to use as many of the browns as I could from the GW range and I didn't have a guide to go with... so this is what I ended up with.  Neat model, not sure if I like the pose, but whatever.Read more...