Savage Orc Big Boss (+ Tutorial)

Here's that single sprue Savage Orc Big Boss that I showed a couple weeks back.  I painted him up with my rig so that I could film the whole process (shown at 4x speed in the video below).  I have a new lens, so everything is nice and close up, but I'm having...

Deathwing Command Squad Unboxing

I caved again... well, sort of.  I wasn't sure if I was going to try and collect a Dark Angels Army, but with the stuff I've finished from Dark Vengeance it looks like that's where I'm going... so I picked up the Dark Angesl Command Squad box.  I went...

Sammael (finished + tutorial)

Here's the other half of the Ravenwing tutorial... well, both are complete tutorials, but they are basically the same.  Neat model, but lots of points, so I'd want to have a full Ravenwing force to use him... which I don't think will happen because I...

Ravenwing Bikers finished

Here's the Ravenwing bikers I've been working on.  I did the black with some mixing of grey and black for the base, grey highlight, then black wash to finish and blend.  Everything else has pretty much been covered with my other Dark Vengeance tutorials. Full...

Ravenwing WIP 2 (Sammael + Bikes)

Here's a second batch of pictures from my Ravenwing detachment.  I'm doing all the base coats first, then will give a quick grey highlight and black wash.   When I did the base coat I added some grey in, so hopefully the black wash gets the recesses a deep...