2012 Year in Review

Ok, so I guess its that time of year to look back and see what I accomplished in the hobby during 2012.  Outside the hobby world it was a busy year for me... I finished up my master's degree, switched jobs, moved to a new town and had some excellent vacations.Read...

Thorin Oakenshield Finished (and tutorial)

Here we go with the first from the forces of good from Escape from Goblin Town.  As mentioned over on youtube, I've used the painting guide published over at Tale of Painters.  I like the way they've done a bunch of their painting guides and I think it'll...

Hellbrute Finished

Here's te finished Hellbrute from the Dark Vengeance starter set.  I followed the citadel how to paint Dark Vengeance ipad app for all the colours, but took some liberties with the techniques.Read more »

Realm of Battle Finished

Here's a walk through tutorial showing how I painted up the Realm of Battle modular board from Games Workshop.  It is on the pricey side of things, but nice details and durable.  I've also done a modular table for much cheaper if you want to check out that...

Hobbit Goblins Finished (+tutorial)

Here's the finished Goblins from the Escape from Goblin Town box.  I mostly used the simple painting guide from the latest White Dwarf but took some artistic license with a couple steps.  The most noticeable of those is the use of a red glaze to make the sores...