Hobbit Goblins WIP

I've been working on these guys and am getting near the final stages.  I used the basic scheme from the latest white dwarf (Pallid wych flesh), and added some red glaze to the growths to make them look gross.  I'm doing the goblin king at the same time, but...

Hellbrute WIP

Yeah, I know, I'm working on the Hobbit stuff now, but in between steps I've been painting this guy up.  Its a fun model and I find dreadnoughts to paint up fairly quickly (better than the bikes I still have to do).  Anyway, here's what he looks like so...

Deathwing Terminators Finished

Here's the Deathwing Terminators from Dark Vengeance all finished.  I've done up a better version of the painting guide and included the images below.  Hopefully this makes it better for people trying to follow my tutorials.  Check out the images below.In...

The Hobbit Forces of Evil Assembly

Here's the final assembly video for the Hobbit box.  I've just primed these guys, so hopefully will be having some painting tutorials completed soon.Read more »

Temple of Skulls WIP

Along with all the other projects, I'm also working on the Temple of Skulls scenery piece from GW.  I wanted this piece after playing a game at Black Knight Games for 'ard boyz and having it on the table we were using.  Its pretty versatile and looks great on...