Hobbit Forces of Good Assembly

Here's all the forces of good from the new Hobbit boxed set, and assembling them.  They are all press fit and some of them are single piece.  I'm not a huge fan of the style of the dwarves and hobbits, but they are true to the movie and really well made.(video...

Realm of Battle WIP

Here are some pics of the board I'm working on.  I'm using the GW scenery pack and am painting it basically the standard way.  I've just finished painting the base coat for the rocks and will be shading and highlighting them next.  It should be ready for...

Unboxing The Hobbit Escape from Goblin Town

Here's a look at the new Hobbit boxed set and its contents.  I'm not as much of a fan of the true scale mini's, but the set is quite nice.  It'll be interesting to paint these guys up and have a go at the game.  Any suggestions about which ones to...

Deathwing Termintaors WIP 2

I've had a hard time getting to my painting table on a regular basis, so these guys are taking longer than expected.  The layer of redoing the white armour was quite slow, almost an hour each guy.  Now that its done things should pick up an one more sitting should...

Realm Of Battle

Another project... this just arrived today.  I ordered the Realm of Battle modular game board so that I could have a nice table that can be put away.  I like the idea of something more durable than a table made out of MDF and I haven't come up with a...