Dreaded Ambull Tutorial and Pics

Here's the Dreaded Ambull video as well as still images of the finished model.  It was fun to paint up, especially since I was able to do so much with the airbrush.  Make sure you check out my Instagram feed for updates as I'm painting...

Dreaded Ambull WIP

I'm painting up the Dreaded Ambull from the first expansion to Blackstone Fortress for my brother.  I don't have the set, but thought it would be fun to paint up this model.  I laid down the first half with my airbrush and citadel paints, then moved over to...

Mollog’s Mob pictures

I just finished these guys up and did a recap video of where I deviated from the Warhammer TV tutorial.  For future projects I'll try to record more as I go, but until I get back into a groove this might be all you get.  I'm working with a new setup for...

Assassin posts

Here's some direct links to the assassin tutorials I did when I painted up the Assassinorum boxed game.  With the new rules coming up in the March White Dwarf I thought I'd make these easier to find.Vindicare Assassin TutorialEversor Assassin TutorialCulexus...

New paint rack

Ever since citadel came out with its layer paint range I've been looking for a good way to store those paints.  I have the full set, minus a few of the recent additions, so I need a way to easily find and put away paints as I use them.  For a long time I used a...