Update after a long absence

After a long time away I'm back... sort of.  I'll be posting updates on instagram, and here as well as youtube as time allows.  I'm not sure how regular things will be, but if you leave me comments about what you'd like to see that will help.Follow me on...

Update after a long absence

After a long time away I'm back... sort of.  I'll be posting updates on instagram, and here as well as youtube as time allows.  I'm not sure how regular things will be, but if you leave me comments about what you'd like to see that will help.Follow me on...

Silver Tower Gaunt Summoner finished

Here's a couple pics of the Gaunt Summoner.  I finished him along with the Kairic Acolytes and Skaven Assassins (which were basically done), so getting close to working on heroes.  Does anybody know if you need all 8 familairs in the game, or are 4 all...

Silver Tower WIP Acolytes and Skaven

A little more progress over the weekend on my Silver tower set.  The Acolytes are almost done... probably just need a few quick highlights.  The Skaven Assassins are done, and now its onto some of the familiars and characters.In other news, I played a game...