by Pawel Cynk | Jan 19, 2014
yepas far as I can tell - this is the last post i write on this blog.why?wellit all became a bit of a clusterfuck to be honest.wich is whyyoushould propably goandcheck this out would be all
by Pawel Cynk | Jan 6, 2014
Oh boy. Did I mess up my december thingy... But guys belive me - that was one HELL of a month. And so here we are in the future, the amazing year 2014, will it be any good?Let's just hope it won't be worse than the last one, and we will be good.Anyways the MG F91 is...
by Pawel Cynk | Dec 10, 2013
I've managed to do some work on the F91, currently focusing on the torso area.The sad part is i'm not exactly sure where did I put the drytransfers.. and as I don't have any aftermarket specific decals I will propably either skip them or try to freehand but I don't...
by Pawel Cynk | Dec 7, 2013
Also known as: where the heck are days 3-6?That didn't last long did it?I fell bad about that but i didn't really have much choice. I've been really busy at work, and in hte end i decided to go back to uni and get my masters degree so i've been dealing with all the...
by Pawel Cynk | Dec 2, 2013
December the 2nd,and so far i'm writing a post everyday! (wich means 2 so far but let's keep quite about that).Nothing much today as i don't have any pictures to share, that should hopefully change tomorow.What will be on those pictures?Who the hell knows.Propab;y the...