New site – new WIP

New site – new WIP

well.. not really, I just wanted to take a break from all other stuff and had this rather cool idea (IMO) that i wanted to try out... you could say i got inspired to do itanyway you can follow the full WIP on Mad SpiderZhere is just a snek peak of my little scene...

A new begining…

just a quick little postsomething we've been working on, and will propably be my main focus from now on - Project Mad SpiderZgo check it out Mad SpiderZin a nut shell - I team up with some VERY talented people and we start a brand new journey!

Grey Knights Terminator [metalics test piece]

Had this little guy on a desk for a while and finnaly got him done. More of a test piece than anything else but still looks good in my opinion and he is up for sale, anyway on to the photos:So here it is. Still no luck finding a new job. It's been quite a hard time...


I realized my posts are nowhere near "frequent" and to somehow fight with that I will try to post more WIP updates (yeah I did say that a few times in the past but I promise I will try really hard this time... maybe)Anyway, first thing there is a certian project i'm...

Crimoson Fists Captain

Just a little thing I was working on during the last few days. I realy hate to be sick but i still had to spend most of last 2 weeks in bed. It did allow me to catch up on some anime and shows tough.Anyway pictures time!