Rome’s Marian Reforms and the Gracchi

If you are a wargamer (odds are if reading this blog) then you are probably aware of the Marian Reforms of 107 BC. If you have so much as played the computer game Rome: Total War you are almost definitely aware of them in some sense. Just in case you have strolled in...

Remembrance Sunday

Today at eleven o'clock the nation fell silent in memory of her dead. We fell silent on Friday, too, as that was the eleventh day. Everyone remembers different things. Something that occurred to me on Friday and today was a cartoon from the peace conferences at the...

President Trump

I recall the Rise of the Nazis in History lessons. There were some outnumbered rebels in Germany who fought the Nazis. I wondered whether I'd have that courage, and who else would, in such circumstances. Back then it never seemed I might some day find out.I know a lot...

Hedgerows for 6mm

Rooting through some boxes (and failing to find where I have securely stored my weathering powders), I unearthed some tongue depressors I bought from Hobbycraft a while ago. They're 6" (15cm) in length, and 3/4" (18mm) across, so they're a great size for all sorts of...

Ruined adobe buildings for 28mm

IntentionHaving made a bunch of adobe buildings for Middle Eastern/American/SF use, I wanted to round them out with a few abandoned ruined structures. Maybe the settlement fell on hard times as a result of the depredations of Space Calvera. Perhaps, as was formerly...