Surprises at work!

I am doing a bit of temping at the minute, which is leaving little time for hobbying. However, I have spotted some great things at work. I understand that the chap who owns the place I'm working is a wealthy collector of militaria. When I say militaria, I mean...

Quasi-Scientific Endeavours

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! Witness the wonder of the modern age! Behold the incredible discoveries wrought in the name of Science!Apologies to any real scientists reading this. I haven't a large enough sample pool, and my selection criteria are probably way...

Warhammer Fantasy for Frostgrave: Part III

Next up in the queue is this bunch of blue-tinged adventurers. You can see here one of the Norse chaps, and one of the two Amethyst Imperial wizards. Both originally had scythes. Both soon lost them.

Warhammer Fantasy for Frostgrave: Part II

I've managed to get some of the models done up for Frostgrave. Some of them need some plain round shields, which I have somewhere or other. The painting is a simple affair, as I want to get these chaps done quickly en masse, and so involves base-coating several in the...

Warhammer Fantasy for Frostgrave

I'm having a get-together her at the end of August with some old friends from uni. One's promised to bring Frostgrave with him, and introduce us to it. So I've dug out some old Warhammer Fantasy models to whip into shape. There seem to be some wizards, High Elves (so...