Return to Napoleonics

Come the end of August, I have arranged for some old friends to visit for the weekend for a spot of gaming. As part of my preparations for that, I've been pulling miniatures long abandoned, and getting them ready for a battle or two. A load of Napoleonic troops are...

Farewell, Spot

For a long time now our little bunny, Spot, has been poorly. He has had a recurring problem with his back teeth, which grew into sharp spurs, which rendered it too painful for him to eat. He had to have that operated on several times. Sadly, he also developed a...

The Battle of the Somme

A century ago the British Army under Haig launched the largest assault it had ever conducted, preceded by the most powerful artillery bombardment the Royal Artillery had ever made. The plan was that the sheer volume of shellfire would blast away the defences of the...