Egyptian-style tomb

I have had several nondescript rectangles of foam sitting about glued to boards for a couple of years now.Recently it occurred to me to make them slightly less rectangular, and so was born the idea of making some (presumably ransacked) Egyptian-ish tombs. The first...

Small Hill Spruced Up

Today I present a little detour. I was inspecting a box on a shelf, and chanced on a very dusty hill I had completed ages ago. I think it was an attempt at a more realistic style, but it may be too small even for 6mm. Anyway, I wasn't quite happy with the colouring,...

Lost in the Jungle

Inspired again by Mel the Terrain Tutor, I have been revamping some old jungle terrain, which has been long abandoned. This mainly amounted to covering the bases with loads of cheap herbs - the purchase of several tubs of these led to a certain amount of bemusement on...

The Hunt for Red September: a practice naval board.

There is a top-notch chap on Youtube called The Terrain Tutor (well, his name's Mel, but we risk being drawn into a Wellington/Wellesley distraction). He has a plethora of wonderful videos for the enthusiast, and I encourage you to check out his channel. He has a true...

Egyptian-Style Tombs and a Permanent State of Distraction

I think the key to being me, in terms of my model-making personality, to be precise, is to always have* too many projects on the go. For instance, as well as several long-abandoned projects** I have been working on completing hedgerow for three different scales of...