Passion and Tedium

As part of my reevaluation of myself, I have been thinking about what I enjoy. I have a tendency either to suppress them or at least discussion of them. They are niche interests, and society looks down on them. For most of my life it has not been practical (or even...

Walls with a view

The product of several hours' labour last night: five and a half feet of walls to add to the extant six inches. Gateways and the like are still to follow. I took the foamcard, cut it to shape, and glued it to the front of the walls. Now we let it set.

March/April Plans

Note: I wrote this before my last post, so don't be confused if it seems retrograde.I have a few projects on the go at the minute. I am almost at the end of building the village, I think. The "Mosque", a small building, and a couple of large ones will round it out...

Being Me and Building Walls

I incline toward the introspective and I have an excellent memory for many things. Combined, these two elements often produce unfortunate results. I consider at excruciating length what could have gone better had I done this rather than that, why I failed to perceive...

Great War Teaser

A 28mm Renegade 18-pdr gun with its 6mm counterpart from Baccus. Guess where this is going!