Tower Teaser

To go with the mausoleum I am working on for Frostgrave, I thought I'd also build a tower for folk to shoot at enemies from. It may also end up being used for various other periods. It's a fair old height, as you can see by the WWI BEF officer standing atop it. Again,...

January Retrospective, February Prospective

Things are looking pretty good here, so I'll focus on the positives. Although all I have posted this month is teasers for forthcoming projects, behind the scenes they are proceeding apace. On the personal front, I attended a meeting for folks with Asperger's/autism at...

Ravine Teaser

I am not just working on small projects, but also pretty big ones. I am finally getting round to using up some of the foam from my old mattress, and one of the ways I am doing that is by building a ravine. As before, I am photographing it in stages, so stand by for a...

Mausoleum Teaser

Inspired by Tony Harwood's great article on making a mausoleum (pp. 47 ff.) in the October 2015 issue (#390) of Miniature Wargames with Battlegames, I have been hard at work since about October working on it. I'm nearing the final stages now, so enjoy this teaser, and...

Resolve and whatnot

Happy New Year, folks.I had a look at my stats the other day, and it made for interestingly predictable reading. In short, I had less time, what with work, and felt both worse and less inspired in 2015, what with the Revenge of Depression, so I produced far less on...