Model Memorial

I think this is a Great War minischap. Standing at attention like that, he just seemed perfect for a statue, and so that is what he has become. The stone here is rather rougher than it would be on a statue in real life, but it works for me. Halford's grey is the...

Ruined statue

I bought this touristy damaged statue a long time ago in Greece. I can't recall who it's supposed to represent, but underneath, it's metal on a marble base. I daubed a mess of filler and sand atop the metal to obscure both the detail and mould lines. I then hit it...

Steam Launch 2

Pre-painted stage is here. Here's the finished steam launch on the desk and afloat on the wine-dark sea.


This ended up looking really quite huge next to the model, which is going to inform my choices about scaling in future. Fundamentally, I make doors too big, and that then throws everything else off. The window's a bit skewiff, too. Nonetheless, I'm pretty happy with...


Just a little bunker today. I finally got the roof finished last night, long after the main body, so pardon the difference in colours between the two. Unlike previous bunkers, this one isn't designed with 40K Heavy Weapon teams in mind. It has a bit more of a...