Steam Launch WIP

There's a nice article in one of the gaming magazines about making a steam launch, and I am easily influenced! 28mm Copplestone German Freikorps chappy for scale.


Many moons ago I posted a teaser of crop fields. Here are some more pictures. Pic F8 is what the furrowed fields look like before I pop yellow ground scatter all over them. Just wee bits of carpet tile, those.

Terrain: abandoned Wild West building

I picked this MDF kit up at Salute. Apologies for forgetting the company, but whoever it is, they sell a ruined and an in-use version of this one. I really liked the basic shape. I ended up cladding the outside in balsa, and making individual tiles for the roof. The...

Grenfell Tower

The British government has been executing its subjects quite deliberately for the past seven years. They care only about profit, and not at all for people.First, they came for the sick and the disabled, who couldn't stand up for themselves. People died. Then they did...

Terrain Teaser: Fields

I've a lot of stuff on the boil at the minute in terms of fields. I was inspired by Mel the Terrain Tutor's tutorials on fields, and have several square feet under construction. Comprehensive photos will follow in due time, but for now, here's a preview.