Merry Christmas!

Greetings of the season to you all, whatever your religious faith or lack thereof. :)

Sandbags a la The Terrain Tutor

Inspired by the ever-excellent Mel, I made a handful of experimental bits of sandbags, some for 28mm, and others for 15mm. I based them on his Youtube video, which you should check out. They've turned out pretty nicely, and I mean to make some more. I'm going to make...

Where we’re going we need roads

A while ago I mentioned how useful two things I'd found in my local pound store would be for making roads. The first was black sandpaper and the second was vinyl tiling. Inevitably, I combined the two, and made a large quantity of double-sided, verge-less roads for...

Retro Monday #4: USS Saladin conversion for ACTA: SF

This nostalgic entry is filling me with a desire to play a game of ACTA: SF at some point over Christmas, provided I can persuade my brother to lend me his admiralship. This little ship is quite sweet, and I really enjoyed making her. She deserves another outing!

Terrain Tutorial: Cheap Oil Barrel Fuel Dump

A handy little recycling tip here. Until about six months ago I was working in a local store, and we used to get through lots of receipt rolls. At their heart they have a plastic cylinder. I have made use of these ere now as columns, when building a mausoleum, but...