My first Age of Sigmar Project

Age of Sigmar has released and I'm planning out my first steps into this crazy new world.Reading through the PDFs I searched first for an army near and dear to my heart,Orcs and Goblins Spider Riders.  This army has been my passion and torture for 6 years. I have...

Photo Dump BITSV

Pics from the Wonderful #BITSV tournament in Northbrook, Illinois, last weekend in June.  A rather epic 8th ed final blowout.  As always click will pop into another window, and embiggen..  This army had actual spinning rotors and LED work done.....

Inspirational Musings.. Style

Style is such a nebulous thing.  It justifies everything from art, food, and even (sadly) tight jeans on men. "Gob'da" by Yohan_Leduc When it comes to painting however, style is justified in taste....

Photo Dump.. Brickworld Chicago

And now for something completely different..About 300 pics from yesterday.. Held in the same location as Adepticon.  Lighting was poor for such large shots, but I thought they might tickle the AFOLs out there ;)   Again all the pics pop and embiggen..

Why do we care SO MUCH about what GW?

What the heck is going on with our attachment with GW?  This should be a rhetorical question, but I'm sorry I have to answer it.  (I'll apologize later)           When we buy a new car do we tell everyone how terrible our old...