Photo Dump.. Waaaghpaca 2015

 Allright, here is every army picture I have from Waaaghpaca 2015.  Some armies are duplicated (oops,) some are missing (sorry :(,) and some have poor pictures (sorry again,) but these are all I have.

The Skybreaker Ogre Tribe

 Tyrant with Wizarding Hat  As you will later see, this army was all about the fluff.  I wanted to field an army without a wizard and the army was planned to be a collection of junior hunters. It was to be my final Warhammer purchase way back in...

Inspirational Musings.. Giants

                                             "Kurgaal"  by Max "Amon" Richiero                 ...

Inspirational Musings.. Basing as an Art

Basing can obviously make or break a miniature, but there is an art to setting a miniature in a scene without overwhelming it..  "Skaven Grey Seer"  by John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"      ...