by PlasticFish | Aug 28, 2011
As I said in my previous posting I've been putting some work into getting my old Baneblade finished. I wasn't satisfied with the outcome the first time around, so now I'm trying to fulfill the original vision I had for this project.The picture above is a before...
by PlasticFish | Aug 27, 2011
Ok, I'm back again. But no pictures of my ongoing projects. Since the last posting I've finished the magnetized Russ and I'm planning on adding another one or two to the army.I've also started to do a bit of repainting on my old Baneblade.BaneBlade, before the...
by PlasticFish | Aug 1, 2011
So, I'm on vacation. And there are a lot of other things I've been doing besides from painting. But I've managed to slap some paint on the magnetized Leman Russ I started a while back.As I said before I'm aiming at getting it into the same colour as the other vehicles...
by PlasticFish | Jul 11, 2011
Once I figured out how much of the gun had to come of it was no problem replicating the process on all of the guns. I simply removed the squared part, that fits into the turret, slapped a magnet on it and carefully fitted the shield on top of the part of the gun that...
by PlasticFish | Jul 10, 2011
Another weekend has passed. And what have I been up to? Well, I got my hands on a Leman Russ-kit last week and I spent some time building it and magnetizing it.Pictures will be up tomorrow. But as I was building the kit some points of interrests came to mind:First of...