Another Underhive tale

Friday night was once again Necromunda-night. Just as last time it was the ChromeLords versus the Mercenaries. We had time for three games and started of with an old fashion Gangfight."Gunman" takes up position to provide coverfire for his advancing mates.The...

Adeptus Mechanicus Underhive Explorer

Some time ago I posted some "Techno-ghouls" that I had been working on for some time (well, on and off for some time anyway). I couldn't find a place for them in my collection but since we started up Necromunda again I thought "why not put them all in some kind of...

Lord of the Spire

Yesterday I had the opportunity to play some more Necromunda. This time myVan Saar "ChromeLords" took on a Mercenary gang of sump-pirates in a game of "Lord of the Spire".Simple rules; climb the tower and hit the big red button! Not as easy as it sounds when the...

Red hats in the Underhive…

The "Red Hats" are one of the more flamboyant gangs originating from the House of Delaque. Usually they sneak around in the shadows, but not the "Red Hats".I wanted to do something more colourfull than a gang of black, grey or brown trenchcoats running around the...

A simple ruined shack

Yesterday I threw together this little shack.The "wooden planks" are raided from McDonalds - the things you stirr your coffe with...The roofing, will be painted as rusted metal, are made from cardboard, stripped from its outer layer. I also gave it dash of a mix of...