by Porky | Oct 24, 2013
The first part of the post title is a classic question, the second because the link to Lantz's FanDex is dead. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'll update it.I was reminded of the Dex partly by this post at Sons of Twilight on the Epic warhound, because...
by Porky | Oct 23, 2013
If you like weird fantasy and especially if you play old school tactical roleplaying games, take a look at Underworld Lore #1. It's the first in a series, a free pdf zine published by Greg Gorgonmilk. I've got some contributions in there, but so have plenty of other...
by Porky | Oct 21, 2013
I don't do enough reviews these days so I've decided to post my thoughts on intriguing things as I find or revisit them. Anything relevant to the blog that seems worth looking at.Here's a classic to start. Incredibly, John Till at Fate SF just posted his own review of...
by Porky | Oct 21, 2013
If you haven't been playing Bujilli, the open serial over at Hereticwerks, now's a good time to dip in.He's uncovered more of the machinations of his uncle and set off over the snow for a showdown with his father, up to the relatively advantageous ground of an...
by Porky | Oct 7, 2013
A fairly well-known blogger who withdrew from the online community after a problematic Kickstarter has started posting again. Not everyone seems to have noticed yet. Those that have noticed seem divided, and some seem to think it inappropriate he's back at all.I'm not...