by Porky | Apr 11, 2013
Jennie's back posting at Nine Worlds, Ten Thousand Things after a rough few months, and hot on the heels of C'nor at Lunching on Lamias too, another much missed blogger.Following her lead diving back into the flash fiction, here's mine this week. For everyone who...
by Porky | Apr 9, 2013
There's an article here that might be a good read for anyone with fond memories of the UK teatime show Knightmare, or with an interest in created spaces - it was a kind of blue-screen dungeon crawl, and more visceral for one player per group.Coincidentally, it started...
by Porky | Apr 8, 2013
Still haven't had your favourite codex updated? Or seen your favourite 40K faction get a codex ever, even after all these years - if not decades? Never been offered a simple method for making a whole new one? After all, the galaxy is a very big place.Here's an idea to...
by Porky | Apr 5, 2013
This is a first contribution to the noircana project I posted about yesterday, a possible campaign toolkit that JD, Garrisonjames and I are talking about below this post at The Disoriented Ranger.This system covers magical signatures for users of magic and sources of...
by Porky | Apr 5, 2013
Quite a few people seem to be moving away from GW's aesthetics and prices, and away from the company in general. Even where players carry on with a GW system, many seem to be looking to alternative model producers. So I'm wondering...Does anyone know of any master...