The Nature of Gothic: Changefulness

Another potentially useful read for those with an interest in 40K, and anyone creating or thinking ahead. It's a second key argument from "The Nature of Gothic" by John Ruskin, now over 160 years old but possibly more relevant than ever. The first argument is...

Meeting, minds and more

It's really a wide-skied week. John Till built on the architect builder in fine style and now JD at The Disoriented Ranger has run with a comment I left at Beedo's on finer encounters with no new table.He's given the idea a visual form and developed a new technique,...

Arriving at the Abode of Departure

If you haven't seen it already, you might like what John Till did with that simple architect builder I posted the other day. He's developed his desert fortress-town - the remote Abode of Departure.The introduction is here, the fuller overview here.It's an eerily...

Towards a ‘new’ encounter – reading, comprehension

Very interesting discussions on OD&D go down (like lead balloons?) at Untimately. I like the blog a lot. Today in the comments Gus L and Brendan suggested - if I'm reading right - that the encounter distance, surprise and reaction rolls can be just a little...