Towards a new model army?

Many of us feel that certain areas of wargaming can be pricey, some areas increasingly and unreasonably so. A handful of posts from the past few days suggest ways forward.James S at Warp Signal proposed the not-so-alien notion of army sharing...Matt Plonski at...

Add, roll, plug and play

Greg Gorgonmilk is hosting a new community project, this time to generate various means of filling up on arcane energy, along with possible ways of manifesting it. Here's my contribution:6. The Tail'ngs: A garish field of compacted sediment and incandescent glass...

All your base are belong to someone

Fans of the d12, as well as game designers and worldbuilders, and anyone interested in getting a fresh perspective on a key assumption of today's world, might like to read this article on dozenals and the idea of shifting from base-10 to base-12..._Explore more at the...

Build-your-own braner

Last week I posted a weird new monster, alien or supernatural being that references M-theory - the noƶ-braner. If you missed it, the basic braner is essentially a trans-Euclidean lifeform able to slip more or less freely across various dimensions.It could be the basis...

Seeing Tolkien’s Long Defeat

If the six books of The Lord of the Rings gave three films, and the one of The Hobbit will give three too, what next? If Jackson et al. follow Lucas/Disney to push for a third trilogy, there's no lack of sources.Most obviously "The Scouring of the Shire" was left out...