There’s arcana dwelling

There’s arcana dwelling

Back before the most recent vanishing I added a few new entries to Greg G's Arcane Dwellings table, but it's not built yet. It needs 11 more by my count then it's ready for Underworld Lore #4.What's UL and where are #1-3? Answers over at Gorgonmilk just down the left...

Of Mycorrhizae, Addled Mere & Deigma

If you're an older school roleplayer, skirmish wargamer or 'zine fan especially and you get off on weird inspiration, or if like your gaming material mixed up with a little speculative natural philosophy - if you're a bit of a delver let's say - you might well find...
Dragons & Dungeons

Dragons & Dungeons

I wonder how different the world would look today if 'D&D' actually stood for 'Dragons & Dungeons'?Maybe no different. The typical module might be creature-focused rather than site-based. But the cascading consequences of even that fine change, in minds across...
The Unbearable Lightness of Grimdark?

The Unbearable Lightness of Grimdark?

This particular thread is one of the more useful discussions on the aesthetic trends in 40K that I've seen in a while, going beyond level of detail, phwoar factor and producer ranking. It's at BoLS believe it or not, on a more or less ephemeral post.One of the...
Deep thought Friday

Deep thought Friday

Haven't done one of these in a quite a while now.The background reading includes two posts from today: Trey's review of Guardians of the Galaxy, and the idea certain aspects suggest Farscape, and a post at Realms of Chirak on 'citogenesis', essentially a lack of care...