Hex 12: electrophages; exovoltaics; ST scar; dronids

Hex 12: electrophages; exovoltaics; ST scar; dronids

I'd more or less forgotten about Kepler-22B, but the recent posts on sectors I5 and T3 at Fate SF and Hereticwerks made me dig out my old notes.Kepler is a system-neutral worldbuilding project: claim a sector, describe the key sites and build a set of encounters, for...


One person's terror may be another person's struggle for freedom: who wants to be free?_Explore the full Expanse...
Traveller, the epi-character and a very long game

Traveller, the epi-character and a very long game

First go read this. Epigenetics focuses on the idea of meaningful genetic change being passed down the generations by means other than DNA. Lamarckism is the supposedly discredited thinking that change to an organism in a single lifetime can also be inherited.The...
Expected inquisitors (1) – Inquisitor Badnut, Xenocog

Expected inquisitors (1) – Inquisitor Badnut, Xenocog

A natural element of the 40K setting is the Inquisition, a kind of 41st millennium NKVD, or early KGB. Trouble is, inquisitors aren't always as weird as they could be given their reach and the wide-ranging role they have, and their recent codex isn't what we might...
Thanks and no thanks

Thanks and no thanks

It's good to give thanks, and to feel thankful. I get so grateful sometimes I've come close to posting just to say how great human beings are, or life is in general. I was fighting the urge this past week.That's because being thankful doesn't have to mean switching...